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Saturday, May 10, 2014

DAMIEN "The Omen" As an infant Character Idea BABY not

yes, you read that right.
i want to do a character doll and have him be based off the little boy in the classic The Omen, as well as the Remake of the same name

both of these are from the original series, the one on top is Damien from: "The Omen" and the one on the bottom is from "The Omen 2" (also the character Damien)

the new one has a child actor with just as piercing an expression on his face as well.
this is the New Damien from the remake (2006)

so, originally i wanted to make a toddler and had decided on a standard kit i think almost all toddlers can fit into and within and would look pretty awesome anyway it was made as ANY character in human form, but the kit is fairly expensive.
* ill add a different blog when i find some images of this toddler kit and these images i have posted for comparison and explain that idea i had then in that blog*

and for the most part MOST reborn collectors like..babies..
so, i had this brilliant idea come to mind to make a damian BABY..using a SCARLETT kit that has a near scowl facial expression.

2 about 2 weeks ago, while a chanel i like to watch was running the OMEN series on it back to back, it occured to me that SCARLET would make a PERFECT Damien baby...
not my work, this is the work of another reborn artist
so, thats an idea i have something special planned for the "sign of the beast" Damien has as well, but wont go into that at this moment, because im going to let that be a surprise in the photo shoot when i actually do do this as a character doll.

Friday, March 7, 2014


like i mentioned in my other post, i sell more things OFF season, than when its a season (say, like halloween/october) to do with the gothic/monster/gore, or the like.

so it is with this cute baby creeper/body suite.

made a while ago when i had started my Undead Reborn Nursery, now renamed to: Gothic Reborn Nursery....

thats the one thing i really like about ZAZZLE. is your products once made (and approved) will be on there for ppl to get when ever they chose to, until you remove it, or they do, for whatever reason.

and the 2nd best thing? i enjoy the fact i make a little bit every time something sells, i have my rate set to the lowest right now, 10% of the total sale. not aloot, but if i sold everything i had created, id have a couple hundred bucks...but life isnt like that. its one penny at a time. one dollar at a time, and when ppl want/need it.

Order HERE


so, occasionally, and it usually seems it happens OFF season, ill  sell something from my UNDEAD REBORN ZAZZLE STORE

i found, one morning, i had sold this...
i had originally made it for a doll im making for someone i know.
thought shed enjoy it. i published this on zaxzzle, and nearly a year later, it sold one!  hope that customer is happy, lol
would be great to see what it looked like on the child/baby!

Purchase HERE

ZAZZLE PRODUCTS IVE MADE (Baby Body Suits & Pacifiers)

i dont remember when i made these...i know it was this year (2014)

i keep images for reference

ium delighted that ZAZZLE now has black body suits, makes my Gothic side of reborning, that much more unique.
but im upset that the clothes are now fitted for larger infants. nolonger Newborn as a size, its 3-6 months as the lowest size (or at least when i made these)

craig suggested i just make t-shirts instead of these, which i could.
not sure of the sizes of those.
 Order HERE
 Order HERE

 Order HERE

 order  HERE

 Order HERE

 Order HERE

this ones not showing in my products, ill have to see if its saved, and then publish it. if i can, ill add the link for purchase under it.

nope. not there, not sure why...cause i saved the image from the product once i made it, i may make this again, i may not. i havnt decided yet on that.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


had it instal a whole new widget, just to get this to syndicate.

its been over a year, since i updated anything on this particular blog, and i have some ideas i wanted to write about, toss around, walk through..just to have them out there.

this should auto feed to my Facebook page for this side of my doll work. wgich is what i have eben trying to get it to do for a while now, without any success..

but going through the steps, and adding a new widget, says it will now feed...

which is what i want.

so, hopefully, NOW..youll be updated as i post  articles i find, and things i want to do, pictures, etc..