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Tuesday, July 17, 2012


i had been tossing the idea around for a while about trying my hand at more than just free form, or custom reborns, my idea was to try out ZOMBIES.

i had looked online and searched through images, and ebay, and every corner of the net that i could think to do and use as a launching pad for mu idea, and i was surprised to find that very little is done in this area.

i have had commnunication with another Gothic Reborn Artist, named Lacey Michelle from and had left a comment on one of her dolls pictures she posted up. lacey Michelle specializes in Vampire children and babies, so i was telling her i was considering getting into the field, didnt want to do vampires, because she was the master (in MY opinion) of that area, but i was thinking of trying my hand at Zombies.

and she came back with a return comment of (parapharsing) " you shoudl totally do that michelle! i get asled once a week to make a zombie and i have to turn them all down becasue i dont do that as a doll. "

got me to thinking.

at my best i can command 300.00 a doll, on the cheap my best? well...that can be anything, really.

theres 52 weeks in a year. lets say i do get 1 request a week to make a 300.00.
52x 300.00 = 15,600 for 1 year. and all im doing is painting kits, and putting them together!  thats not to bad a pay scale. and..i really enjoy it too!

so, basically i can, when im doing my best work (which will come in time) do a marginal income, and for doing something i enjoy which is making these dolls.

so i had made the choice.

created the Doll page on facebook.

and saw a post on one of the reborn threads scroll through my facebook main page, that was someone asking about where anyone know of where to get any demon/zombie dolls at.

i mentioned i had just decided to do this area, and we got to talking.

she said, sight unseen, shed want me to make her one. (i had never made was an idea at this point)
so, i knew id have to get a kit.
i really like the TORY kit as a zombie, she has this 'look' about her, and went to go order it, and it wasnt available.

so, i had to get SOPHIE instead. i like her too, she has the ability to suck her thumbs, and its kinda creepy to see a zombie eating thier own flesh, lol
so, i purchased her.

she arrived 3 days later and i started my quest of reborning my 1st Zombie doll.
susequently, the next day TORY shows back up online for purchase, and while i could i ordered her as well.

in the meantime as im posting pics of Sophies progress, this one individual who said shed buy off of me, was falling in love with Sophie.

Tory took a longer time to get to me, thankfully i follow my kits progress in the mail system online, and it was noted that Tory took an adventure to she came a couple of days later than she should have.
shes here now, and i have started her as well..

so, if your into the Horror dolls, and like reborns, and are interested in seeing if i can make a business of this art, continue to follow my progress...

im having a blast!

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